Posted by Andrew James Clark
MAR. 23, 2023
Classical Context's Prehistoric Ligeti Concert is now available for viewing online.
Classical Context’s Prehistoric Ligeti Concert featured in ludwig-van.com's “Critic’s Picks”: Seven Concerts You Need to See This Week, is now available for online streaming thanks to the help of videographers Richard Cerezo, Michael Falco, and Gerald Lising who have been volunteering their time to ensure Classical Context’s concerts are accessible to anyone thanks to the creation of online video. You can check out more of Richard Cerezo’s cinematography at www.cerezo.ca. The videos include Ligeti’s String Quartet No.1 performed by Montreal’s Despax Quartet, as well as the rarely performed Öt Arany-dal performed by Andrew James Clark and Alex Hetherington. The concert closed with a performance of Andrew James Clark’s String Quartet No. 1. The piece was originally written for an early Classical Context Concert in November 2018 called “A Night of String Quartets” but was shifted to the Ligeti program due to time constraints.